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Looking back at 2023 

Looking back at 2023 

Another year has passed in mySupply, and it’s been a year with many new initiatives and exciting developments. The year has especially been characterized by developing new services for customers, aiming to provide them with the best tools to optimize and automate their business. Additionally, there has been a focus on updating internal business processes to increase efficiency and ensure the best customer service. 

Emphasis on growth and development 

In 2023, mySupply proudly welcomed no less than 60 new customers into our portfolio. Customers form the foundation of our existence, and thereby create the framework for our success and market growth. 

As our company has expanded, we have also brought in more talented employees. Particularly in the development department new colleagues have been added, in order to develop new services for users. Among the new services introduced are: 

  • VAX Data Capture: An AI-based scanning solution that extracts information from a PDF or image and forwards it to the ERP system. The new solution also means that we have phased out the existing OCR scanning solution.
  • VAX Validator: A validation service ensuring that invalid documents, such as incomplete invoices, are rejected before reaching the ERP system. 
  • VAX Archive: A digital accounting archive for VAX 360 in compliance with the new accounting law. It automatically stores all accounting documents to ensure that mySupply’s customers comply with the law. 

Regarding the new services, Allan Freiheit, CEO of mySupply, states:  

It is our foremost task to assist our customers in automating their processes in accounting and finance. That is why we are always at the forefront of developing new services to lift and streamline their business.” 

In 2023, there were notable customer cases, including projects with Region South and Region Zealand, helping them manage product master data and procurement processes. We also assisted some of the country’s universities with a modernized cloud-based web payment module, making it more flexible for them to enter payment acquisition agreements and automate accounting in various accounting systems.

Optimizing internal processes 

As mySupply grew larger, 2023 became the year where new and larger premises became a reality. 

“To provide the best possible service to our customers, it is crucial for us to give our employees the best conditions to do that. This also means ensuring well-being and job satisfaction in everyday work. As part of this strategy, we moved into new, modern premises at the end of 2023, creating an environment where our employees can work flexibly and efficiently,” said Allan, CEO of mySupply. 

In addition to new modern premises, several internal business processes have been streamlined and moved to more modern solutions. These include a new financial solution and CRM system, ensuring the management of customer-related matters. Furthermore, a subscription system has been introduced to handle customers’ various solutions more effectively. 

To create better overview and increase internal efficiency, a new project management tool was introduced in 2023, helping employees work more effectively. 

The frontrunners of digital development 

mySupply has been a recognized and essential partner for the country’s national authorities for many years, contributing to the advisory and development aspects of digitizing document management for both public and private companies. 

This role is something we are very proud of, and it is only possible because we are always at the forefront of the latest developments and regulations, both in and outside the country’s borders. 

In 2023, NemHandel transitioned to the new eDelivery-based infrastructure. We implemented an eDelivery platform in VAX 360, and are already exchanging large amounts of business documents on the new infrastructure. At mySupply, we are ready for the phase-out of the old infrastructure known as RASP. 

Similarly, we are highly engaged in developments related to ViDA. We are already a step ahead and have successfully participated in a Nordic pilot project where mySupply exchanged ViDA reports via Peppol with the nordic tax authorities. This is a critical area for anyone trading across borders, and thus, we are very attentive to what the future holds. 

High customer satisfaction and trust 

We understand how critical it is for our customers that we have control over these matters. Therefore, it is important for us to be firstmovers on the latest technologies. It’s crucial for mySupply’s business that customers trust us, which is why, in 2023, we worked hard to obtain certification in the new ISO 27001-2022. This certification demands security regarding customer relations and GDPR. Even though mySupply has always been compliant in this regard, it is now visible and 100% transparent to customers. The certification was officially achieved in December 2023, just before the holiday break. 

Allan, CEO of mySupply, concludes: “Having said all this, we are most proud that we score so high on customer satisfaction on the NPS scale. It is important for us to be on the same level as our customers, and that explains the background for all the new initiatives and changes we have made in 2023.” 

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