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Postponement of major release of OIOUBL documents

Postponement of major release of OIOUBL documents

The Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen) has decided to postpone the upcoming release of OIOUBL documents, which was previously announced to be implemented mandatory on November 30, 2023. However, this postponement does not affect the transition to eDelivery, and the schedule for that remains unchanged.

The Danish Business Authority has announced that the new date for a comprehensive release of OIOUBL 3 documents is March 2024, with mandatory support for OIOUBL 3 set for May 2024.

This postponement includes all OIOUBL documents, including invoices and credit notes covered by the new accounting law, which were originally planned to take effect on November 30, 2023. This applies to both existing and new documents, such as the item master data document, which was planned for February 2024.

The purpose of this release is to align OIOUBL documents more closely with their corresponding Peppol documents. Updates will be made to several definitions, and the NemHandel profile packages will be aligned with Peppol design conventions. The release will also introduce new functionality and changes, as well as fix errors in the existing OIOUBL schematrons that are not backward compatible with the current version of OIOUBL schematrons.

The following timeline for the release has been announced:

  • November 2023: Consultation round 1 regarding design principles and changes
  • March 2024: Release candidate
  • April 2024: Final release
  • May 2024: Mandatory support for OIOUBL 3
  • November 2024: End-of-life for OIOUBL 1.13

As always, we will stay updated on any further announcements and provide relevant information accordingly. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at +45 9696 2140 or support@mysupply.dk.

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